SOP Templates > Countertops – Final Inspection Checklist

Countertops – Final Inspection Checklist

This checklist ensures the installation of countertops is completed accurately and to high-quality standards. It focuses on proper alignment, secure installation, and protection of the surfaces, as well as leaving the site clean and debris-free.

Inspect windows to confirm they are intact and unbroken

Verify temporary handrails, safety bracing, and other safety measures are intact

Install countertops according to the plan, ensuring the correct number, size, and color

Ensure countertops are level and plumb

Secure countertops correctly and tightly to the wall

Verify the colors of countertops are correct

Inspect countertops to ensure they are undamaged

Protect countertops with securely taped cardboard

Clean the house, ensuring it is broom-swept and all debris is removed