SOP Templates > Trim – Final Inspection Checklist

Trim – Final Inspection Checklist

Inspect windows to confirm they are intact and unbroken

Verify drywall is undamaged

Inspect vinyl to confirm it is undamaged

Ensure ducts remain covered

Verify tubs are covered and undamaged

Confirm sinks, cabinets, and countertops are covered and undamaged

Install base molding securely to walls

Inspect base molding to ensure it is undamaged; repair and sand any nicks or gouges

Ensure base molding is level and straight, particularly in tight or short runs

Install crown molding securely, level, and straight, if required

Install chair rails securely, level, and straight, if required

Ensure nail holes are the correct depth with no splintering or cracking

Verify corners are cut correctly and fit snugly

Hang doors level, plumb, and shimmed

Install handrails to the correct length, ensuring they are straight and secure

Install pickets and newels securely with no movement

Verify stair treads are undamaged

Trim attic access areas per the plan

Move excess material to the garage

Remove all debris to the dumpster

Clean the house, ensuring it is broom-swept