SOP Templates > Punch List Workflow

Punch List Workflow

Welcome to the Punch List Workflow SOP Template Library for New Construction Residential Roofing. Access free, expertly crafted Standard Operating Procedures to manage the punch list phase of your projects. Our templates help you identify and address outstanding issues efficiently, ensuring that all tasks are completed to satisfaction. Download our templates today to streamline your punch list process and deliver flawless results.

Compile a list of outstanding roofing items and deficiencies

Schedule and conduct a walkthrough with the GC and project manager

Identify and document all punch list items specific to roofing

Prioritize and assign tasks to the roofing crew or subcontractors

Order any additional materials or equipment needed to complete punch list items

Perform necessary roofing repairs and adjustments

Conduct follow-up inspections to ensure all punch list items are addressed

Update GC on progress and obtain approval for completed items

Document completion of punch list items and obtain sign-off from GC